Assign roles

Last modified by Carina Enke on 15.01.2024

User administrators and admins can change or assign roles to individual user profiles.

Assign or change roles

To assign a new role to a user or to change an existing one, first open the user's profile:

Open user profile

1. Click on the tab Administration in the main menu and go to User administration.

Administration-Benutzerverwaltung oeffnen_en.png

2. In the left menu, click on the entry User search.


3. A form will open in which information can be entered about the user account you want to find.

4. Fill the desired input fields with values for which you want to perform a search.

5. Start the search by clicking on Search.


6. User profiles which fit the specified search criteria will be listed in a table.

7. In the column Action, click on Edit at the end of the line to view the respective user's profile.

If the action column is not visible, click on Adapt table to change the columns displayed in the view.

Administration-Ergebnisliste Benutzersuche_en.png

8. Private data stored in the system will, by default, be displayed in the tab User profile. Add or edit the user information and press save to confirm your changes.

Depending on the institution/company, some labels might vary from the sample image.


Now change the user role as follows:

  1. Open the Roles tab. This tab contains information on all roles enabled for this user.
  2. Select the role you wish to assign to the user profile. By default, the role is enabled for the user's stored institution.
  3. However, each role can be individually limited to a specific group of users or opened for other user groups by assigning additional attributes.

Administration-Benutzerrolle anlegen_en.png

4. Using the + and - buttons, you can create further attributes for a role. Two or more attributes will be connected by the logical function OR.

5. The selection list with all available attributes can be opened via the small down arrow in the text field.

Depending on the institution/company, various attributes are available to limit the selected role to the specified attributes.

Learn more about the rights related to the individual roles on the Roles help page.

6. Save your changes.

Administration-Attribute zur Benutzerrolle_en.png

The "author" system role can also be set automatically by the system when configured values are transmitted (e. g. via Shib login). If you wish to activate this function for your institution, we will be happy to assist you.