Edit and manage learning groups

Last modified by Carina Enke on 15.01.2024

Icon_Gruppe.pngThe configuration of a learning group can be changed and adjusted at any time. You can also add, confirm, or remove group supervisors or members to customise learning groups to suit your needs.


Edit learning group

To edit a learning group, proceed as follows:

Open the desired group by clicking on its title. Depending on the context, the group will either be opened in a new tab or directly in the course:

The group was opened in a new tab? Then you are in the group view. To open the editing mode, click on the pencil icon in the middle of the upper page area.

Gruppe-Editieransicht öffnen_en.png

The group was opened in the course, and you can see the Edit button in the upper page area? Then you are in the group view within the course. To open the editing mode, click on Edit.

If you see the Administration instead of the Edit button, this only means that you will be taken to an older view of the group management.

Kurs-Editieransicht einer Gruppe öffnen_en.png

The group was opened in the course, and you can see the tabs Settings and Manage members? Then you have opened the group via the group management of the course and are already in the editing mode.

Gruppenmanagement-Lerngruppe editieren_en.png

The editing mode has two function tabs. After opening the editing mode, you are in the Settings tab and can directly make changes to the configuration. In the Manage members tab, you can manage group participants and supervisors.

In this view, you will also find an info icon in the upper right corner, which provides access to the group mailing list if the option for sending emails to group users has been enabled in the system. For more information, please refer to the help page Use group email addresses.

Gruppenmanagement-Lerngruppe Reiter_en.png

Only one user can open the editing area to make changes. If a second user tries to open this area at the same time, they will receive a corresponding notification message.

Options in the settings tab

This tab contains three sections: the basic group information followed by the sections Configuration, Tools, and Assigned learning areas.

Basic group information

The following information about the group will be shown and can be changed:

  • Name of the group
  • Description
  • Image of the group

Confirm your settings with Save at the bottom of the page.

Settings in the configuration area

You can make the following configuration settings for a learning group:

Max. number of participants

Configure the desired maximum group size.  

Users can enrol in a group as long as free places are available. Group supervisors, in contrast, can add participants regardless of the group size.

Enable waiting list

If you select the checkbox for the waiting list, advanced options, such as a time limit, will become available to configure the move-up procedure.

This setting can only be saved if a maximum number of participants greater than 0 has been set under Number of participants.

Enrolment until

Here you can set a date until which users can be enrolled in the group. If this time has expired, users can no longer enrol in the group and a corresponding notification is displayed.

Allow sign off by members

If this option is activated, users can independently leave the group. You can limit this option by setting a date in the date field or disable it altogether by removing the checkmark.

Get consent for membership from users

If this option is activated, the user, who is about to be registered as a participant, will receive a notification of the group invitation. They must then accept this invitation in order to be enrolled in the group as a participant. For more information on invited users, see the following section Options in the manage members tab.


Configure which member lists will be displayed in the group view of the course. Generally, the first and last name of each member on the selected lists will be displayed as well as a configurable selection of further user attributes.

The group view can only be opened by users who are already enrolled in the group or by users with extended rights. Users who have not yet approved the group invitation or who are on a group's waiting list cannot open the group and thus do not have access to the configured member lists.

Confirm your changes to the configuration of a group by clicking on Save at the bottom of the page.

Settings in the assigned learning areas section

If the course already contains learning areas, you can organise the opened learning group into different learning areas in this section. Select or deselect the checkbox in front of the title of the desired learning area. Confirm your changes to the configuration of a group by clicking on Save at the bottom of the page.

For more information and an example scenario, see the section Create and manage learning areas.

Options in the manage members tab

In this area, you can assign and manage group supervisors and members, or view and adjust them. If you appoint a user as a group supervisor, they will be given administrative rights to the selected group. More detailed information on these permissions can be found on the help page Supervisor of a group.

For information on how to assign users to a group, refer to the help page Add users to a learning group.

Learning areas

If there is more than one learning group within a course, you can organise them into learning areas for better accessibility. For more information and an example scenario, see the page Create and manage learning areas.