General access to courses and resources (publication status)

Last modified by Anna Paul-Hasenfuss on 29.12.2024


General access to courses and learning resources is controlled via the publication status. Depending on this status, the content in the system will be visible to different user groups.

To adjust the general access, assign the following status labels:


Publication status

Short description

Access for the following user groups


Private - only visible to you


Only owners of the learning resource


Review - visible to other authors


Owners and anyone who has author rights in the system


Public - visible to registered users


Anyone who can log on to the system


Public - visible to registered and external users


  • Anyone who can log on to the system
  • External users are allowed to work in courses


Public - visible to everyone


Worldwide publication, access is also granted to anonymous users


Public - visible to everyone and external users


  • Worldwide publication, access is also granted to anonymous users
  • External users are allowed to work in courses

Initial access When a course or learning resource is created, the access is initially restricted to the owner of the learning resource (Icon_B.png or B), and the first publication of a course must be done using the course editor.

Publication wizard in the course editor

Access to courses can be changed directly when publishing a course. Start the wizard in the course editor to guide you through the process:


Open the course you wish to publish in the course view. Use the pencil icon at the top of the page to open the editing mode.

Kursrun - Kurseditor öffnen_en.png


Please note the following in preparation:

  • Content that is marked in the course editor with a red X in the course menu still contains errors or is not fully configured. In addition to being marked in the course menu, the errors are also clearly displayed at the top of the course page. To publish this content, you first need to fix the specified errors.
  • New content ready to be published is marked with a green tick in the course menu.
  • As soon as there is new course content, the Publish entry in the Editor tools menu on the right will be highlighted.

A legend explaining these and other symbols can be found in the course editor at the bottom of the page.

Kurseditor - Legende_en.png

Kurseditor - Icons zum Status von Kursbausteinen_en.png


Start the wizard by selecting Publish from the Editor tools menu. 

Kurseditor - publizieren starten_en.png


Step 1 gives an overview of all included course elements. New or edited course elements will be automatically marked with a tick and published in the next steps. If you do not wish to publish individual course elements yet, remove the tick from the corresponding checkbox(es).

Click on Step 2 to continue.


In special situations - for example, if you make subsequent changes to an already existing course and want to publish these changes - the wizard is preceded by individual information texts, which need to be confirmed for the wizard to start.

Kurseditor - Publikationsassistent1_en.png


In Step 2, you can make more changes and, if necessary, specify a particular time for these changes to be published in Step 3.

Kurseditor - Publikationsassistent2_en.png

Kurseditor - Publikationsassistent3_en.png


Follow the remaining steps of the wizard and complete your settings with Finish.



For a course resource, you can activate the options Public – visible to registered users (BAG) and Public – visible to everyone (BARG) to enable access also for so-called "external users". Just mark the checkbox next to External users can contribute to the course. For more information on external users, see the Roles and rights help page.

Change the publication status in the course view

To change the publication status of a course in the course view, proceed as follows:


Open the course or learning resource and click on the gear icon.

Kurs - Sichtbarkeit anpassen_en.png


Select the desired option.


Confirm your choice with Save.

A supplementary Video is available for this function.

Reference a course in the catalogue

Published content should be displayed in a meaningful catalogue structure to allow learners to perform a thematic search for available learning resources in addition to the global search. The learning platform provides a separate area called catalogue in which resources can be referenced. Instructions on how to add your course to the catalogue can be found on the Add course to the catalogue help page.