Create course

Last modified by Carina Enke on 15.01.2024

Create course

You can create a course in many ways:

  • Create new course: Several options are available to create a course by yourself or with a wizard guiding you through the creation process. When using the wizard, you can automatically cut some step sequences.
  • Copy global course template: This function provides some general templates for courses based on selected scenarios. However, it is also possible to globally store your institution’s templates here, which can then be used to give new courses a common structure or thematic layout.
  • Copy your own course: With this function, you can use your own already existing courses as a template to create new courses.
  • Import course: Course configurations that are saved on your computer can be transferred to new courses in this way.

You can find all of these functions in the course view under Teach & Learn>Overview>Create courses and learning resources.

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