Create a new course

Last modified by Carina Enke on 23.01.2024

You have the following options to create a new course:


Create new course (by yourself)To create a course, proceed as follows:


Open the Teach & Learn tab. Click on Overview in the navigation area on the left. Here you will find the Create course function box.

Alternative options ...

You will also find a button to create courses and specific learning content after opening the menu items My courses and My resources.

Depending on the system configuration and your user rights, this function box may also be available in the First steps portlet on the home page.

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In the Create course dialogue, you can now enter a title and description (optional) for your course.

The dialogue also allows you to

  • add a course image
  • assign a semester: In addition to the current semesters and the year, you can also choose "Semester-overlapping" or, more generally, "Summer semester" and "Winter semester".
  • store an (OER) licence: For more information, see the help page Licences for courses, learning resources and documents
  • maintain additional metadata

You can also complete this information at any time later on.

Editor - Kurs erstellen Fenster_de.png


To complete the creation process, choose between the following options:

  • Done: The course is created with the configured settings and opened in the course view.
  • Start course editor: The course is created with the configured settings and opened in the course editor view. Here you can directly start to fill the course with course elements.
  • Cancel: The course creation process is aborted, and the course is not created.

A supplementary video is available for this function.

Create new course with wizardTo start the wizard for creating a new course, proceed as follows:


Open the Teach & Learn tab. Click on Overview in the navigation area on the left. Here you will find the Create course with a wizard function box.

Lehren und Lernen - Kurs mit Assistent erstellen_de.png


In the Create course dialogue, you can now enter a title and description for your course. Optionally, you can add an image, maintain metadata and, if applicable, assign a semester.

Editor - Kurs erstellen Fenster alte GUI_de.png


Click on Save and then on Next to continue.


From the following three options, choose Create a plain course with a wizard (for beginners), and confirm your choice with Next.

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Now select the Create new course option and click on Step 2.

Kursassistenten - Neuen Kurs erstellen_de.png


Tick the course elements you wish to include in your course. You can later add more content to your course using the course editor.

You can already close the wizard at this point by clicking on Finish. Optionally, you can also use the Step 3 button to configure further course settings.

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In the optional third step, you can define global access settings. These are also adopted by clicking on Finish.

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The course will then open in view mode.

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