Edit learning ressources

Last modified by Carina Enke on 15.02.2024


Edit learning resources

To edit a learning resource, proceed as follows:


Go the tab Teach & Learn and select the entry My Resources from the menu on the left. Open the learning resource you wish to edit with a click on its title.

Lehren und Lernen - Lerninhalt öffnen_en.png


Use the pencil icon at the top of the page to switch to the editing mode.

If there is no edit icon, open the detailed view (info icon). Here you will find an edit entry in the toolbox on the right.

For more information about editing, see the help pages for the individual learning resources.

Lerninhalt - Editor öffnen_en.png

Please note that only learning resource supervisors and users with corresponding rights may edit the learning resource.

Additional functions

Additional functions can be accessed from the Icon_zweiRädchen.png more actions menu.

These include:

  • Copy, export, or delete learning resource
  • Manage learning resource supervisors
  • Manage catalogue entries

The functions for learning resources are analogous to those of a course resource. More detailed information can be found on the following help pages: