Text Entry Interaction

Last modified by Carina Enke on 15.02.2024


With the task type text entry interaction, you can create a text containing any number of gaps. The learner must fill in the gaps with the correct answers.

You can specify both text and numerical values as a solution. To limit the learner's input to numerical values, you can use the task type Numerical input. With the task type Calculation task, you can create parameterised calculation tasks. In this case, a calculation rule is defined as the solution.

In a text entry interaction, exactly one solution is defined for each gap. In addition, alternative solutions and fault tolerances can be defined.


Tab Question/Answer



Text entry

Enter your question and text in the input field. You have two options to add gaps:

  • Add gap
    You can create gaps directly in the text by using the button Add gap at the appropriate place in your text. A gap is inserted at the selected point and the editing mode opens.
  • Transform text in gap
    You can write or paste a continuous text and convert existing passages and words into gaps. Select the appropriate text passage and use the button Transform text in gap. The editing mode opens. The text you have selected is already entered as the correct answer.

Edit gap

You can edit a gap by clicking on the gap icon Icon_Lücke.png in the text entry interaction. An additional area for editing the gap opens below the text entry interaction field. The editing area also opens when you create a new gap.

Define at least one gap for a text entry interaction in which the participant can enter an answer.

If you remove all the gaps of your task, the task is no longer valid. In this case, the task cannot be saved and a corresponding note is displayed.





Define the correct solution for the gap. In the solution view and in the results view, this value is shown to the learner as a hint (optional).



In this area, you can specify alternative solution options. Separate multiple options by a comma or line break. 

If the answer contains a comma, a backslash needs to be inserted before the comma. (Example: "red\, green\, blue") 

Alternative solutions are also assessed as correct, and the learner will receive the total score for this gap. If an alternative solution is entered, the learner will be displayed the correct solution in the form of a hint (optional).


If the learner has entered an incorrect solution, which corresponds more closely to an alternative than to the correct solution, the alternative will be shown to the learner as a hint (optional).



Assign the points the learner receives when they have entered a correct solution. The total score of the task is derived from the sum of scores contained in the text entry interaction.

Currently, it is not possible to assign partial points to individual gaps, e.g. if the learner has "only" entered an alternative solution.

Case sensitive

Enable this option to specify whether the correct solution is case sensitive and to inform the learner to be aware of the upper- and lower-case characters within their answers. The setting applies to the entire solution. If the option "case sensitive" is disabled, the entry "fichtelBerg" instead of "Fichtelberg" will be considered correct.



The fault tolerance indicates how many characters or letters, in relation to the correct solution or an alternative solution, may be incorrect. 

A solution containing any number of errors within the fault tolerance is still assessed as correct, and the learner will receive the total score for the gap. 

Each incorrect and missing character or letter is evaluated as an error. This also applies to typos. If a fault tolerance of 1 is defined for the answer "Pythagoras", the following applies:

  • The entry "Pytagoras" is correct. The letter "h" is missing (number of errors = 1).
  • The entry "Phytagoras" is incorrect. The letter "h" following "P" is incorrect, and the "h" behind the "t" is missing (number of errors = 2).
  • The entry "Pythagoros" is incorrect. The letter "a" is missing, and the second "o" is one too many (number of errors = 2).

For tasks of the type Extended text interaction, the learner is provided with a special solution view (optional) in which errors are marked in colour.

A manual control of results is particularly recommended for all open task formats (including the task types text entry interaction and extended text interaction), regardless of the availability of automatic assessment. The ONYX Testsuite offers simple results views, which provide a quick overview of all submitted answers and their assessment.



Eingabefelder für Lückentextaufgaben werden standardmäßig als Eingabebox dargestellt. Für Aufgaben, in denen beispielsweise Wortteile ergänzt werden sollen, ist eine Linie als Darstellung für den zu ergänzenden Teil üblicher.

Testdurchführung -  Lückentext mit Eingabebox oder Linienfeld_de.png

Durch Aktivieren der Checkbox Eingabefeld als Linie darstellen wird in der Testdurchführung, Auswertung und den PDF-Formaten anstelle der Eingabebox eine Linie angezeigt. Damit ist eine Darstellung ohne Abstand zum Text und ohne eventuelle Zeilenumbrüche möglich.

Editor - Option Lücke als Linie_de.png

Diese Einstellungsoption ist für alle Aufgabenformate des Typs "Lückentext" (Lückentextaufgabe, Numerische Eingabe, Berechnungsaufgabe, Formelvergleich, Regulärer Ausdruck) verfügbar. In einer Aufgabe aktiviert, gilt sie für alle Lücken dieser Aufgabe.