The following sub-elements can be activated:
You will need this sub-element if you wish to provide the learners with a file containing relevant content or the task. Possible scenarios include those in which all users receive the same task, or different tasks are randomly assigned. It can be configured whether or not users can view the task before selecting it. If the task(s) has/have already been assigned in another way, you can deactivate the sub-element.
You can also create separate access settings for this sub-element. For example, you can configure whether learners can place tasks in the task folder themselves and make the visibility of selectable tasks dependent on a date or an attribute.
Drop box
This sub-element integrates an individual drop box for each user. It allows solutions to be collected and viewed user-specifically. You will only need this sub-element if the course participants should submit documents with their solution to the task. If the task element is only to be used for assigning tasks and no documents need to be uploaded by the users, you can deactivate the sub-element.
You can also create separate access settings for this sub-element. For example, you can make the ability to create or upload a file dependent on a date or an attribute, or specify whether learners can delete their own uploaded documents.
Configuration settings for this sub-element can be made on the Handing in tab.
Return box
This sub-element integrates an individual return box for each user. It allows you to return documents to each user individually and store corrections to user-specific task solutions or detailed assessment documents, for example. You will only need this sub-element if you plan to return documents such as corrections or individual comments to users within the course element. If you are not going to return documents to learners individually, you can deactivate the sub-element.
No other configuration options are available for this sub-element; hence there is no tab for configuration settings.
Sample solution
This sub-element integrates a sample solution folder that can be viewed by all users of the course. You will only need this sub-element if you want to make documents with solutions centrally available to your course participants.
You can also create separate access settings for this sub-element. For example, you can make the visibility of the sample solution dependent on a date or an attribute.
This sub-element enables users to be assessed by course supervisors or appropriate tutors. Additionally, a peer review process is also possible for the task course element. You will thus only need this element if course participants should be assessed. If no assessments are planned, deactivate the sub-element.
You can also create separate access settings for this sub-element. For example, you can make the visibility of the assessment results dependent on a date or an attribute. If the peer review process is activated, the configurations defined there will apply.