Finding an embeded code

Last modified by Moritz Baumgarten on 15.01.2024

If you want to embed a video, you need the Embed Code. This page describes how you can find it.

Videocampus Sachsen

For videos from the Videocampus Sachsen, select the entry Share in the detailed view of your video at the bottom right.


VCS - Video teilen_de.png

Now copy the code from the text field for further use.

Icon_Logo VCS.png

When using a video from the Videocampus Sachsen for embedding, please check the options you have set for your medium in the Visibility of Publication section. You have to activate the options "hidden" and "allow anonymous access" at least, so that the video can be seen in OPAL.

VCS - Einbettungscode_de.png



With videos that have been uploaded to a YouTube channel, you can find the code by selecting Share and then clicking on Embed.

Youtube - Einbetten aufrufen_de.png

Now you can copy the required code from the dialogue box that opens.

Youtube - Einbettungscode_de.png