Kurs in Katalog einfügen

Last modified by Carina Enke on 23.01.2024


Icon_Katalogeinträge verwalten.png To be easily found by learners, your course should be included in a meaningful catalogue structure. To do this, the learning platform provides a separate area called catalogue .

To add the course to the catalogue, you have two options:

If the course is not (yet) available in the catalogue, learners can alternatively find it using the search function . Learners who are already enrolled in a course group will also find the course resource in the Teach & Learn section under My courses - Active.

With the release of OPAL 11.4, the function for managing course catalogue entries has become available in the new user interface. How to add catalogue entries in the old user interface using the detailed view will be explained in the section Add resource to catalogue.


View existing course catalogue entries

If there are already catalogue references, you can view them in the following places in the learning platform:

In the course settings 

In the course view, select the entry Manage catalogue entries from the Icon_zweiRädchen.png more settings menu. Existing references will be displayed at the top of the opening dialogue  Catalogue entries .

Kursrun - Katalogeinträge ansehen_en.png

Directly in the course view

Click on the top entry in the left navigation pane of the opened course. This entry is generally identical to the course title. In the middle area of the page, general information such as visible course supervisors and the course description will now be displayed. Catalogue entries and other additional information will become visible when clicking on the Display more information link.

Manage catalogue entries via the course view

Add course to catalogue


Start the function from within the Icon_zweiRädchen.png more settings menu in the course view.

Kursrun - Katalogeinträge verwalten_en.png


Select the entry Manage catalogue entries . This entry will only be visible if the following conditions are met:

  • You are the course supervisor.
  • The course is already publicly available (at least releaseIcon_BAR.pngBAR- cf. Publishing courses and course content ).
  • The configuration option to manage catalogue entries is enabled in your platform.


The Catalogue entries dialogue opens, displaying the structure of the catalogue with all available subcategories. 

Kursrun - Katalogeintrag erstellen_en.png


Select the desired entry. Click on OK to save your assignment.

You can only add one new catalogue entry at a time via the dialogue. If you wish to add the course to another catalogue category, open the dialogue again and repeat the described steps for this category.

Remove catalogue assignment


Open the Catalogue entries dialogue as described above.

Kursrun - bestehende Katalogeinträge_en.png


Existing catalogue assignments will be displayed at the top of the page. Removable catalogue assignments are marked with a recycle bin icon icon_Papierkorb_blau.png.


To remove an existing assignment, click on the recycle bin icon of the corresponding entry. Confirm the deletion dialogue with Yes .

You can only remove one catalogue entry at a time via the dialogue. If you wish to remove the course from another catalogue category, open the dialogue again and repeat the described steps.

Kursrun - Katalogeintrag löschen_en.png

Edit catalogue entries from within the catalogue

Users with extended rights can also edit courses and resources directly in the course catalogue. For more information on how to use the course catalogue, see the help page Edit catalogue .