03 Set Test Options
Use various configurations in the Options tab to customise the test according to your needs.
Test Settings
Time limit
The author can define a processing time for the entire test or individual test sections. The remaining processing time will be displayed to the participant during the test accurately to the second.
After the time is up, a message will be displayed to the participant indicating that the sections and questions can no longer be edited. Once the processing time for the whole test has expired, the test will automatically be terminated.
Display of the processing time without time limit
You can provide additional functions to participants for taking the test. For example, you can share a calculator or additional documents that can be opened and used in the test.
There is a simple and a scientific calculator available. Select the required range of functions under Display.
Simple calculator | Scientific calculator |
Additional files
Any additional files that are provided can be accessed during test execution.
Provide file(s)
Upload one or more PDF documents that can be accessed throughout the entire test.
Tagging of questions
If this option is activated, users can mark questions during the test that they would like to check again later. Simply select a question by clicking on the flag icon in the title. Once a question has been marked, it is displayed in the test navigation with a flag icon
Navigation and Display
The author can choose between a linear and a non-linear navigation. A non-linear navigation allows participants to navigate between questions. In this way, solutions to previous questions can still be changed later on. In non-linear navigation, the displayed navigation tree can also be used for navigating.
In the case of a linear navigation, participants have to navigate from question to question by using the forward and back buttons. Free navigation via the navigation tree is not possible.
If the option linear with test path control is activated, navigation is also carried out by using the forward and back buttons. The navigation tree for the test execution is hidden. Only those tasks that fulfil the defined visibility rules are displayed. For more information on how to create these rules, see the page Setting the visibility.
Authors can decide on how they want to show their questions to participants. It is possible to use a single question display or to show several questions per page (section-based).
For the display on mobile devices, we recommend showing only one question per page.
Question settings
Comments allow the participant to leave feedback on a question for the test evaluator. Especially in the case of closed question forms with limited response options, the comment function offers a valuable support possibility for participants, e.g. if they do not understand the question, perceive it as inaccurate, or do not find their solution in the answers provided to them.
In the ONYX Editor, you can decide whether the comment settings are supposed to be applied to the entire test or only to selected sections or individual questions.
The tutor can view the comments in the participant's results view. Further information are provided in the help section Results view: View participant.
How to use comments in a test
To enable the comment function, proceed as follows:
- Switch to the Options tab in the test settings.
- Activate here the checkbox Allow on question level under Comments. Now, participants can leave a comment for each question in the test.
Test attempts
You can give the learner the opportunity to attempt individual questions multiple times. The number of available attempts will be displayed to the learner when performing the test. They can submit their answer and, if further attempts are possible, answer the same question again.
In the ONYX Editor, you can decide whether the settings for the number of available attempts should be applied to the entire test or only to selected sections or individual questions. Go to the Options tab to configure your desired settings.
If you, for example, set the maximum number of attempts to find a solution to 2, the learner can answer each question in the test twice.
If you wish to set the number of attempts individually for specific sections or questions, disable the option Apply the configuration of the superior element. Now, you can set the number of attempts individually for the section or question.
The default is always one attempt. To allow an unlimited number of attempts, enter 0 in the input field.
New random values
By default, the same variable values and the same order of elements will be used for each attempt to solve a question. If you select the New random values option, random parameters will be recalculated per attempt. This affects both the variables used and the random order.
- Recalculate Using variables: Questions can be changed for each test attempt by using variables. If the random values are recalculated, so are the variable values for each attempt at a question.
- Reshuffle random order: The Shuffle option is available for choice interactions, match interactions, matrix interactions and order interactions. If enabled, the predefined responses of these question types will be arranged differently for each test attempt. If random values are recalculated, the order will also be changed for each attempt at a question.
These settings can extend practise and self-test scenarios. If the participant does not solve a question correctly, Set feedback can be used to provide instructions on how to answer the question and find a solution. The participant can then retry the question in a new attempt. The use of random values such as variables and a new random order will allow the participant to work on a similar question but with new answers or values.
External File
You may enhance or customise your questions and tests using additional files.
Layout adjustments using a style sheet file (CSS)
The prerequisite for the use of this function is basic knowledge in HTML and CSS. Save your layout file as a CSS file (.css) and upload it to the Options tab of your question or test. Use the preview to verify whether it will be properly displayed. You can remove the layout file at any time or upload a new one.
When performing a test, the test title is displayed in the upper left pane. You may hide the test title using your own style sheet file (CSS).
To do this, use the following CSS statement:
Save the statement in a CSS file (.css). Then add the CSS file to the test content by uploading it as a style sheet file to the Layout settings section in the Options tab.
Further examples on how to use layout files can be found here: