04 Using Test Variables

Last modified by Carina Enke on 13.02.2024

Using test variables enables the creation of adaptive tests and related thematic complexes.

Specifically, the following scenarios are feasible:

  • Related question complexes can be parameterised by common, global variables (test variables). The random values allow for different question values in each test attempt and for each participant.
  • Learner answers, performance and identified "typical" or systematic mistakes made by the learners can be stored and taken into account for later questions.
  • More detailed information on the users’ performance as regards the individual questions can be generated during the test and collected as the basis for a personalised overall assessment (test feedback).
  • Initially, participants can configure specific settings (e. g. for the difficulty level and thematic focus) themselves, which will then be stored in global variables and affect subsequent questions.

To implement such scenarios, you can choose between two different types of question variables in the Variables tab:

  • Pre-processed variables
    Pre-variables are assigned before the test questions will be displayed. The randomly generated values can be linked to question variables and used in all test content.
  • Post-processed variables
    Post-variables will only be assigned after the questions have been answered, submitted and automatically assessed, thus providing access to response-specific values such as the learners’ answers or the number of points for correct answers. The generated values can also be used for follow-up questions.

Test - Tab Variablen_de.png


Pre-processed variables

Here you can define test variables, which are determined before the questions will be displayed (in short: pre-variables). If you wish to use these test variables as random parameters in your questions, they need to be linked to question variables. The value is assigned before the first question will be displayed. Please note that all variable assignments in the question will override the linked values.

The following examples for using (pre-processed) test variables demonstrate possible application scenarios:

Post-processed variables

Define test variables, which will be recalculated each time after submitting a question (in short: post-variables). The value calculation may include values determined during the test, such as the participant's responses, score or the number of attempts made. This allows to monitor points and errors, and thus to control subsequent questions, hints or feedback content.

Variable types

The following variable types are available for test variables: