05 Managing Test Content

Last modified by Carina Enke on 13.12.2024

The ONYX Editor allows you to easily manage your test content. Tasks can be summarised into folders, copied, moved or shared with other authors. Further functions activate clearly structured views, making it easier for you to search for specific test content.

Open question bank

The central area where your test content is displayed is called question bank. This area opens together with the test resources area. 

Aufgabenpool - Aufgabenpool öffnen_de.png


Further information about the central functions in the question bank can be found on the following pages:

  • The help page create content  gives instructions on how to create new resources in the question bank.
  • The help page question bank gives instructions on how to switch between the folder and table view in the question bank and find content faster by using filters.
  • The help pages copy, move or export content give instructions on how to copy, move, export or delete content.

Open information area

The question bank also provides access to detailed information on the resources contained. These include, for example, metadata, rights and statistics. 

Open this information area by clicking on the info iconIcon_Information.pngnext to the respective resource.

Aufgabenpool - Informationsbereich öffnen_de.png

Depending on your rights to the resource, this area gives you access to the following information:

Aufgabenpool - Informationsbereich geöffnet_de.png