
Last modified by Carina Enke on 19.01.2024

KB_Test.png The test course element allows for knowledge quizzes with different answer formats. The results are displayed to the author in the assessment tool and can be downloaded through the data archiving process.

The learning platform supports the ONYX test format. The ONYX Testsuite enables a convenient test creation and comes with a large range of functions.

Usage: Learners' View


In the test course element, you can start and run a test configured by the course author. Afterwards, you can view your assessment and retry the test depending on the course author's settings.

Kursrun - Überblick_en.png

Functions for users

Start and finish test

In the test course element, you can answer test questions of different formats. Start a test attempt as follows:

Open the test course element.

Click on Icon_Test starten.png Start test.


You can only start a test if you did not run out of attempts and no visibility or access restrictions prevent it.

Kursrun - Test starten_en.png

What happens next?


The test is opened and started immediately unless any publishing restrictions prevent it. Now you can start answering the questions. To advance to the next question, click on Forward. Depending on the author's configuration, you can also select questions from the navigation pane.


The tests are performed on the ONYX web interface. Further information can be found on the ONYX>Test procedure from the participants' point of view help page.

Desktop view

Kursrun - geöffneter Test_en.png

Mobile view

Kursrun - mobile Testrunansicht_de.png


To close the test, click on Finish test.


Please note that you cannot continue to process this test attempt after finishing the test.

Kursrun - Test abschließen_en.png

Kursrun -Test abgeben mobile Ansicht_de.png

View assessment

Depending on the configuration of the course element, you can see assessment information on the test home page in the course after finishing the test. If the Show evaluation button (or in the case of an exam, the Exam summary button) is displayed, you can open one or all of your attempts and view all associated assessment data.

Depending on the course author's settings, the following assessment information is available:

  • Passing status: passed/ not passed
  • Score: points achieved/ maximum points possible
  • Mark in numbers
  • Mark in words
  • Score to pass
  • Result: best/ last result will be scored
  • Checksum
  • Test date

If the test contains question formats that need to be assessed manually by the author, you will receive a corresponding note about open assessments.

Kursrun - Bewertung_en.png

Configuration: Authors' View

In the course editor

The following functions are available to you in the course editor:

Add a test course element

Click to open instructions on how to add a course element ...

To integrate a course element into your course, proceed as follows:


Open the course you want to edit.

Use the pencil icon at the top of the page to open the editing mode.

Kurs-zum Editor wechseln_en.png


Select a course element from the menu on the right.

Kurseditor-KB auswählen_en.png


In the new window, you can define the position of the new course element within your course structure (left navigation pane). The available positions are marked with an insert icon.

To insert the new course element into an existing substructure, you need to open the substructure by clicking on the small triangle symbol next to its title. The area will open and you will again see insert icons at the positions which are available.

Click on the insert icon at the desired position within the structure. The selected area will be highlighted.

Confirm your choice with Insert course element.

Kurseditor-KB in tree einfügen_en.png


The element will be inserted into the course structure at the selected position.

Depending on the course element, you have to make additional configurations or add content in order to complete the configuration.

For these changes to take effect, you must publish the course. The course element will then also become available in the course view.

Kurseditor-KB konfigurieren_en.png


Perform general configuration settings

In the course editor, you can see the following configuration tabs for this course element type:

Title and description

Configuration options in the Title and description tab ...

Kurseditor - Tab Titel und Beschreibung_en.png




You need to enter a title for the course element. The title can comprise a maximum of 100 characters. All special characters and numbers are permitted. The title will appear in the navigation menu of the course and also as a heading in the content area.

Changes to the title of the first course element, the so-called main course node ...

  If you change the title of the first course element, the new content will only be applied to the main course node and then displayed in the opened course. If you wish to edit the course title or description, you can do so using the more settings menu of the course.


You can enter a subtitle for the course element with a maximum of 255 characters. All special characters and numbers are permitted. The title will appear as a tooltip in the navigation menu and - if selected and configured accordingly - as a subtitle in the content area.


Here you can describe the course element. The description will appear in the content area below the title.


Depending on the settings configured in the element Display, this additional text is displayed to the user when opening the course element. The user can expand or collapse the view of the text.



Define which information about the course element should be displayed in the course view. In addition to the content, you can optionally display the title and description. All course elements are provided with a reasonable presetting, which mostly includes the setting Title, description and content. You can adjust this setting in accordance with the options available for each course element.

Set link for this course element

Each course element can be accessed via fixed link addresses. Therefore, an internal and an external URL is assigned to each course element. These direct links to concrete elements can be used within courses or provided to learners. The URLs are located below the title and description of the element and will appear upon selecting Set link for this course element.  

  • External link: To refer to this course element from outside of the course or learning platform, you can use the external link and insert it, for example as a href attribute, into the desired HTML page.
  • Internal link: To set a link to another course element within the same course, you can insert the internal link as a href attribute into the desired HTML page.


You will need the ID number of the course element (on the bottom right), for example, if you wish to use the expert mode in the visibility or access tab.


Restrict here the course element's visibility if necessary. See the  Visibility help page for more information.


Restrict here the course element's access if necessary. See the  Access help page for more information.

Test configuration

In this tab, you can store a test resource and specify settings for the test procedure. Detailed instructions are given on the Test-Konfiguration help page.


Here you can configure various settings for the test assessment. All options are explained in detail under Course elements>Test>Assessment configuration.


Different translations can be added to individual course element areas on this tab.

Publish your course to complete the configuration and make the resource available to learners.


In the new mobile responsive user interface, internal tests and surveys are no longer supported. However, you can easily convert existing test content in the internal format to ONYX and thus continue to use it.

Convert existing test resources to ONYX ...

Convert to ONYX

Existing internal tests can easily be converted to the ONYX format.

  1. Open the detailed view of the test you wish to convert in the course editor.
  2. Click on the Icon_Nach Onyx konvertieren_en.png function in the menu on the right.
  3. A copy of the test content is created in ONYX format.
  4. Enter a title and description for the new (converted) test content.

The original test content and all references are preserved during the conversion. The converted test content is saved as a copy and can then be integrated into a course by changing the referencing.

Now you can replace the existing internal test with the new (converted) test content in ONYX format within a course as follows:

  1. Open the corresponding course and then the course editor.
  2. Select the relevant course element of the type test or self-test and switch to the Test configuration tab.
  3. Select the Replace file option to exchange the current internal test for the new (converted) test content in ONYX format.

In the course view

Author functions in the course view

The course view gives you access to all functions available to users for this course element, plus the following additional editing options:

If you activate the test in the exam mode with the exam control, you will see the exam control area below the test, which allows you to monitor and coordinate the course participants' test progress. For more information, see the Exam mode help page.

A cancelled test attempt can be continued under certain conditions based on the stored intermediate results. The Continue a cancelled test attempt help page describes the general conditions and procedure.

Overview of available test design features and where to configure them ...


The following table provides a brief overview of the locations where available test functions are configured.



ONYX editor

Additional information

Create test resource



Create individual tasks



Create test

Assign tasks to a test



Assign test resource to a course element



Set visibility and access restrictions for a course element



Restrict test implementation to IP addresses or IP ranges



Create feedback



Show feedback (task feedback, test feedback)



Assessment (point configuration for the task)



Assessment (passing score, absolute score, or relative score)



Layout of the task



Layout: Hide test title



Set test options

Attempts at a solution (runnable test attempts)



Attempts at a solution

(within the started test attempts, for test sections, or individual tasks)



Reset task variables with each new attempt



Set test options

Time limit for the entire test or individual sections



Random selection of test questions



Random arrangement



Linear or non-linear navigation



Set test options

Visibility of the section structure



Currently, it is only possible to show either one or all questions on one page




Set test options

Allow comments for the entire test, selected sections, or individual tasks



Visibility of the navigation tree during the test attempt



Determine the last or best attempt as test result



Assessment configuration

Set results display in the course view



Create PDF certificate for a passed test course element



Start test attempt



Allow interrupting a test attempt




Show concrete or neutral task titles



Set jump target after test completion



Configure exam mode



Use exam browser and create exam code



Print confirmation page after completing the exam



Result view for participants (test, exam)



Result view for tutors



View participant comments



View variable assignment of a conducted test attempt



View Maxima output



Display of system errors



Perform manual assessment



Show statistical evaluation



Export of participant results
