FAQ about the New User Interface

Last modified by Carina Enke on 13.02.2024

What do I need to consider when working with the new user interface?

Below, we have summarised some important tips for you:

  1. First, please make sure that your teaching contents (courses, groups, tests, etc.) are still fully available. Should there be any discrepancies, please contact your support immediately.
  2. In the new OPAL, internal tests will be no longer supported. If an older internal test is integrated into one of your courses, you will receive a corresponding note in the new user interface. If such a resource was used in a course element, you can also turn to the additional information in the detailed view of the resource or in the course editor. They contain a guide on how to easily convert tests to the new test format (ONYX). Further information on the conversion can be found in a separate section on the page of the course element 

What is the new user interface?

We want to make our learning platform more intuitive and easier to use. Our goal is to completely redesign the user interface and to provide you with the opportunity to work comfortably and efficiently not only from home, but also when being on the move with your mobile device. The changeover and the extensive redesign will take place step by step. We are continually working on new features and improvements. Further information.

System-Schokokurs alte und neue GUI_en.png

Where can I find my courses?

You will find your courses in the tab Teach & Learn under My courses in the menu on the left. Further information can be found in the section Work with courses.


How do I search for courses?

In the tab Teach & Learn in the category My coursesyou will find a search field on the right above your course list. With the help of this search, you can filter your courses.


If you want to search for courses, groups, and learning resources in the entire learning platform, you need to use the global search in the header area. Further information can be found in the chapter Searching and finding contents.

Where can I create courses?

To create a course, you first need to go the tab Teach & Learn in the main navigation. In the left menu, click on Teach & Learn and select Create course. Alternatively, you may also use the button Create below the menu entry My courses. Further information are provided in the section Create course.


Where can I find the course editor?

The course editor is located in the menu bar above the open course. Further information are provided in the section Edit course.


Where can I find the group management?

There is a menu bar displayed above the opened course. Click on Group management to edit your group. Further information are provided in the section Group management.


Where can I find the assessment tool? / How do I assess courses?

The assessment tool is located in the menu bar above the opened course. More detailed information are provided in the section Assessment tool.


Where can I find the detailed view?

Open your course and click on the small down arrow in the menu bar located right above the course. Select Details and settings from the drop-down menu.


Where can I create further learning contents / learning resources?

To create a resource, you first need to go the tab Teach & Learn in the main navigation. In the menu on the left, click on Teach & Learn and select Create learning content. Several types of learning resources become available. Further information are provided in the section Learning contents.


Where can I find the question bank (ONYX editor)?

Select Teach & Learn from the main navigation. In the menu on the left, click again on Teach & Learn. In the category External applications, you will find the button Question bank, which opens the ONYX editor. More detailed information on how to create or edit learning resources using ONYX can be found in the chapter Course element test and in the ONYX help pages.


How can I convert my existing internal tests to the ONYX format?

Tests in the old internal format are no longer supported. If you want to continue to use your existing contents, you need to convert them to the new test format (ONYX).



  • Go to the Detailed view of the test you want to convert.
  • Select the function Convert to ONYX from the menu on the right. A copy of the test contents will be created in the ONYX format.

Enter a title and description for the new (converted) test content.

The original test content and all references will remain unchanged during the conversion. A copy is made of the converted test content, which can be integrated into a course by changing the referencing.

Within a course, you can replace an internal test by the new (converted) test content in the ONYX format as follows:

  1. Simply open the corresponding course and switch to the Course editor.
  2. Select the relevant course element of the type test or self-test and switch to the tab Test Configuration.
  3. Select the option Replace file to exchange the current internal test for the new (converted) test content in the ONYX format.

Where do I find my groups?

To find your groups, select the entry My Groups from the Teach & Learn menu on the left. Further information are provided in the section Work in groups.


Where are my groups in the course?

Open the course whose groups are supposed to be displayed. Your course groups will appear in the menu on the left.


How do I create working groups?

To create a working group, go to the tab Teach & Learn in the main navigation and select the button Create a group. For more detailed information, please refer to the section Create and delete working groups.


Where can I find the course catalogue?

The course catalogue can be found in the main navigation.


Where can I find my favourites?

To get an overview of your favourites and to be able to use them as a quick access, you can add the portlet Favourites to your home page. For further information, please refer to the sections Personalise home page and Favourites.

Alternatively, you can also access your favourites under Teach & Learn.


Where can I find important messages?

You will find a summary of your unread messages by selecting the entry News from the drop-down menu on the right next to your user name. Additionally, you can also access your unread messages via the icon on the right next to your user name. Further information are provided in the section Subscriptions and notifications.


Where can I find my settings?

You will find both your user profile and the settings in the upper right area of the learning platform. For further information, please refer to the sections My Profile and My Settings.


Where can I find my performance results?

To find your performance results, click on the entry Performance results in the Teach & Learn menu on the left. For further information, please refer to the sections Assessment and Certificates and performance results.


Where can I find my artefacts?

To have all of your collected artefacts displayed, you need to select the tab Teach & Learn from the main navigation. In the menu on the left, your artefacts will be listed under My ePortfolio > Artefacts. See Artefacts for further information.


Where can I find the help?

The help is right next to your user name. Additionally, you will find more specific help contents directly on the respective pages of the learning platform.


Why do the main navigation and the header change in some views?

You will switch from the new interface to the previous, old user interface when opening, among other pages, the course editor, the assessment tool, or the detailed view. This switch is necessary because not all functions are yet available in the new user interface. So far, this applies to a large part of the functions for authors.

Since both user interfaces differ in appearance and their range of functions, you will inevitably encounter differences when switching between the two views. This concerns especially the area of the main navigation and the functions in the header.

For further information, please refer to the section Level of development of the new interface as well as to the section Toggle function which enables switching between the new and the old user interface.

Why is there the button "Go to my entries"

Authors also have the possibility to switch to the old user interface manually via the button Go to my entries, which can be found in the sections My courses or My learning contents under the tab Teach & Learn. There are various functions available which are currently not yet implemented in the new user interface. Among others, this concerns the bulk actions to delete resources, close the semester, manage owners, and to delete own entries.

For further information, please refer to the section Level of development of the new interface as well as to the section Toggle function which enables switching between the new and the old user interface.