Exam Settings

Last modified by Carina Enke on 18.01.2024

You can set a test of a course element into an exam mode. This feature allows further options and functions supporting the test procedure, such as the use of a specific exam browser and an active exam control by a course owner.

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In exam mode, a checksum is calculated for each test attempt and displayed in the course view of the course element and in the assessment tool after submitting the test. The assessment tool also includes an exam summary page, which can be printed in HTML format or as PDF. This page also contains the checksum and other information about the exam and the examinee.

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Configuration options in the exam mode

You can activate the desired options in the exam settings section:

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Activate exam control

This option allows you to monitor and control the test procedure from the course view. You can actively intervene in the examination process and, for example, start and finish the exam simultaneously for selected candidates or enable them to resume it in the event of an unexpected PC failure. If the exam control is activated, a history log with the current history status of the test attempt will already be available in the assessment tool while the test is still active.

Enable the Exam control option and, if necessary, also tick the Exam started by tutor checkbox. For more information, please visit the Exam control help page.


We recommend activating the general access of an attempt-resticted test in combination with the activated "Exam started by tutor" function to the exam day. 

Activate exam summary

Tick the Show on test home page checkbox to make the exam summary page available in the course view. After completing an attempt, the user will then see the Exam summary button on the test home page, which allows them to open the exam summary page.

If the "show as printable PDF" checkbox is activated, the examinee can print out the verification page and afterwards confirm the equivalence of the two checksums (assessment summary and Pdf printout) with their signature. Further information on how to back up answers by means of a checksum can be found on Exams in ONYX. You can review the checksum of a test result with the assessment tool function. For more information please visit Teilnehmerantwort verifizieren.

Activate exam browser

To avoid deception, you can use special browsers such as the Save Exam Browser that prevent the manipulation of the exam. For more information on a possible scenario, see the Guide to using the Safe Exam Browser (SEB).

The Start the exam only in Safe Exam Browser (SEB) option allows you to generate a 9-digit exam code that can be changed at any time using the Generate exam code button. Only by entering this exam code in the exam browser can a candidates start the test. With the Verify config of the Safe-Exam-Browser (SEB) option, you can define a SEB configuration key that only allows access with this configuration.

If the option Exam summary needs confirmation before submission is activated, a window with the title Confirmation page opens after the exam has been completed. A page of equal content can be viewed by course owners as an overview page in the assessment tool. On this page, the examinee will find, among other things, their name, details of the completed test, the automatically generated checksum as well as the button Show answer. By clicking this button, the overview page of the completed exam (exam record page) opens. It contains the answers given by the examinee and the generated individual checksum.

If you additionally have activated the Show exam overview as printable PDF option, the examinee will be able to print the overviw page and confirm with their signature that the two checksums are identical. By placing their signature, the examinee ends the exam on a formal level.

For more information on how to back up answers by means of a checksum, see the Exams in ONYX help page. You can verify the checksum of a test result in the assessment tool. Instructions on how to do this can be found on the Verify learner response help page.

Restricted access

This function allows you to restrict the access to the exam to selected IP addresses or IP ranges. When activating the restrict access to network areas option, you can use the plus icon to enter any number of IP addresses or IP ranges in the respective fields.

Kurseditor - ID zum Kursbaustein_en.png

The subnet "" indicates that the IP address must be in the range to


Changes to the test when the exam mode is configured

Changes that require the course to be published

Minor configuration changes, such as increasing the limited number of attempts or adding a new learning group, require the course to be published. Only then do these changes become active. If no test is currently being carried out by any user, you can make this change as usual.

If a test attempt has just been started and has not yet been completed, you will receive corresponding notifications when publishing the course that the connection to these tests may be lost in the exam control. However, even with this restriction in place, you can still make these changes. All configuration changes will only affect test attempts that are newly started afterwards.

Replacing the test version

You can also replace a test version. However, if test results are already available, they will be saved in the replacement process and will no longer be available in the assessment tool. Only test results for the currently used test version are available at this place.

Replacing the test version requires the course to be published with all the restrictions described in the section above. The new test version can only be used by course participants after it has been published.